Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Capri-Sun appoints bd-ntwk to account - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic

Capri-Sun appoints bd-ntwk to account - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic: "Capri-Sun appoints bd-ntwk to account by Ed Kemp Marketing 16-Oct-07, 08:15 LONDON - Coca-Cola Enterprises has hired bd-ntwk to handle promotional activity for its Capri-Sun drink brand. The agency was chosen following a three-way pitch and will be tasked with creating on-pack promotions for the brand. The work will launch early next year. The initial campaign will be based on the theme 'squeezy mischief' and aims to boost sales through a series of competitions. The activity will coincide with the un-veiling of a fresh Capri-Sun pouch packaging design. ADVERTISEMENT The brand, which recently relaunched with no artificial ingredients, ran its first online ads earlier this year. They targeted mothers and ran across sites including, Female First and iVillage. The brand also launched an interactive support centre providing women with help in getting their children to eat more healthily and tips on how to prepare a healthy lunchbox. It also featured advice from child expert Clare Halsey. Capri-Sun is the fifth-biggest-selling juice drink brand in the UK, according to Mintel figures published earlier this year. Between 2001 and 2006 the brand's sales fell by 10.5%. Last year, it generated sales of £51m compared with £54m in 2003 and £57m in 2001. Last year, Capri-Sun ran an on-pa"