Coca-Cola plans coffee soft drink - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
Coca-Cola plans coffee soft drink - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic: "Coca-Cola plans coffee soft drink by Jemima Bokaie Marketing 21-Aug-07, 09:30 LONDON - Coca-Cola is readying a non-carbonated coffee-flavoured soft drink for launch at the end of next year, according to industry insiders, and has trademarked three potential names: Kahe, Truvia and Tevai. Last year, the company launched coffee-flavoured Coca-Cola Blak in several markets, including the US but not the UK. It was positioned as a drink for adults seeking an 'indulgent alternative' to other drinks. The latest launch will add to an expanding portfolio for the US company. In April, it announced that it is to introduce Diet Coke Plus to the UK in October. The drink, an energy variant of Coca-Cola's flagship Diet Coke brand, was launched in the US and Belgium earlier this year. Aimed at Diet Coke's core market of women in their 20s and 30s, Plus will be backed by a TV, print and outdoor drive by VCCP."
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