Thursday, November 15, 2007

Norwich Union adds Craik Jones to DM roster - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic

Norwich Union adds Craik Jones to DM roster - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic: "Norwich Union adds Craik Jones to DM roster by Kate Nettleton Campaign 15-Nov-07, 11:40 LONDON - Craik Jones Watson Mitchell Voelkel has won a place on the direct marketing roster for Norwich Union. Craik Jones' appointment follows a competitive pitch against undisclosed agencies. The pitch was handled by the insurance company's in-house marketing team. Norwich Union, which is owned by Aviva, plans to award a further place to one other agency, and sources suggest it is in talks with Hicklin Slade & Partners and Archibald Ingall Stretton. ADVERTISEMENT Kitcatt Nohr Alexander Shaw will also retain a place on the roster, handling Norwich Union's Healthcare insurance brand. Aviva started the pitch for its Norwich Union Life business in June. Then, in August, the pitch was expanded into a full-scale review of its DM arrangements across its entire range of brands, including Motoring Life and Home and Healthcare, as part of wide-ranging cost-cutting measures. This is the second reduction to Norwich Union's DM roster in the past 18 months. In May last year, the company scaled the roster down to TDA, Tri-Direct, Fox Murphy and Kitcatt Nohr."