Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yell hands £20m ad business to Mother after long pitch - BR Bulletin - Advertising, Marketing, Media and PR news by Email - Brand Republic

Yell hands £20m ad business to Mother after long pitch - BR Bulletin - Advertising, Marketing, Media and PR news by Email - Brand Republic: "Yell hands £20m ad business to Mother after long pitch
by Sarah Woods Brand Republic 2 Nov 2006

Yell: Mother wins £20m accountLONDON - Mother has scooped directories business Yell's £20m advertising account, following a final two-way shoot out against Vallance Carruthers Coleman Priest.
The review was called in April after Yell parted company with Omnicom creative shop Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO in April after 23 years.
AMV claimed that its roster client BT had created a conflict of interest because of BT's presence in the directories market.
Six agencies were initially shortlisted to pitch for the account including Mother, VCCP, United London, Wieden & Kennedy, Leagas Delaney and Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy.
In June, Leagas Delaney and MCBD were knocked out of the running, and in July, United and Wieden & Kennedy were also eliminated.
The ongoing pitch was thrown into confusion in July when Ann Francke, Yell's chief marketing officer, left the company. However, it was back on track again after Catherine Kehoe, the Yell head of marketing strategy and communications, took the reins of the pitch later in the month.
Helen Stevenson, Yell's newly appointed UK chief marketing officer, said: 'We want our advertising to enhance the trusted and valued Yellow Pages brand. Mother came up with a campaign that really brings Yellow Pages to life in a new way, demonstrating how relevant the directory is both for our users and our advertisers.'
Stef Calcraft, agency partner at Mother, added: 'Brand icons are incredibly rare and having the opportunity to pitch for one, even rarer. Y"