:: Portail de la presse, journalisme & relations presse :: - Press release: Planning What's In-Store at World Duty Free :: Portail de la presse, journalisme & relations presse :: - Press release: Planning What's In-Store at World Duty Free: "WDF is the world's leading duty free retailer with a cutting-edge approach to airport retailing. With the beauty category contributing to just over 50% of the total revenue for the business and the other half of the company's revenue resulting from sales of liquor, food, tax free and luxury goods including sunglasses, watches and jewellery. World Duty Free operates 65 stores across BAA's seven UK airports, with 15,000 square metres of retail space offering over 12,500 products.
2005/6 Revenues
£407 million
Business Challenge
With the advent of the European Union, World Duty Free found that its original “duty free” business model required a transformation. World Duty Free needed to more profitably manage its business from head office to store shelf.
Business Solutions
* Portfolio Merchandise Management®,
* Advanced Planning by Arthur®,
* Portfolio Store Portal,
* Space Planning by Intactix®,
* Efficient Item Assortment by Intactix®
Business Benefits
* Increased sales through more profitable business management from head office to store shelf
* Refinement of the mix of outlet types and brands to match the demand and flow of travellers
* Improved planning processes through sales forecast modeling automation -to avoid over or under stocks
* More effective store operations, allowing the store staff instant Intranet access to stock availability and ordering capabilities
* Better control of available space on shelves, leading to the ordering of the right quantity of items
* Improved facings manageme"
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