Friday, August 25, 2006

Telegraph | Comment | Take the nightmare out of flying

Telegraph | Comment | Take the nightmare out of flying: Take the nightmare out of flying
By Graham Boynton

(Filed: 18/08/2006)

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Yet again, Britain's travellers are being asked to maintain their collective stiff upper lip in the face of more chaos, delays, cancellations and the wholesale misplacement of thousands of suitcases. Anecdotal evidence confirms that the travelling public has faced this bedlam with the fortitude and stoicism that won us world wars.

We are now entering the second week of disruption following the uncovering of an alleged plot to attack transatlantic airliners, but, although the flight schedules are returning to normal and Heathrow no longer looks like a Sudanese refugee camp, delays, uncertainty and ludicrous security scares are still with us.

It's enough to make you want to stop flying abroad on holiday, but we can't do that because we'll be giving in to terrorism - and, as we have displayed at our shambolic airports all week, we are made of sterner stuff.

So, we have to find a better way of dealing with the terrorist threats that our Government warns us will be with us for the foreseeable future. Perhaps John Reid would like to take time out from his current role as the plain-speaking hard man of homeland security and consider some more intelligent strategies to protect an industry worth more than £30 billion a year, which provides his overtaxed, overworked constituents with much-deserved R-and-R in the sunshine.

First, British Airports Authority (BAA), which controls seven of our major airports, including Heathrow, was clearly not prepared for the new security directive issued in the early hours of last Thursday morning.

In fact, travelling through Heathrow on a normal day makes one wonder if there are ever enough security personnel on duty at any time. There are always long queues, there are invariably x-ray machines standing idle, and yet, as Charles Graham, chief executive of Europa Capital and a frequent Heathrow user, pointed out this week, once you have passed through the tortuously slow screening process, you emerge into a glittering world of duty-free shops and shiny, expensive food and beverage outlets that suggest "BAA runs its airports as highly profitable shopping centres, merely masquerading as an airport operator".

Secondly, under the current system, our aviation security is paid for by the airports, the airlines and ultimately the travelling public in the form of passenger charges on every ticket. This is not the case with road, ferry or train passengers, all of whom in theory are protected by the government.

And yet the potential attacks directed at airline passengers are surely issues of national security as much as are those directed at coach or rail travellers; and, on past evidence, it is the fliers who are the prime targets for the current crop of terrorists. As Giovanni Bisignani, chief executive of the International Air Transport Association, said yesterday, the BAA should have asked for assistance from national security authorities and the military.

Thirdly, the international aviation industry's most successful preventative anti-terrorist programme is, not surprisingly, operated by El Al. For the past 35 years, the Israeli national carrier has based its security on profiling, and, although it does not discuss security issues, it is known to have caught potential hijackers and bombers attempting to board their aircraft.

Famously, it intercepted a pregnant Irish woman whose Palestinian boyfriend had, unbeknown to her, packed her luggage with explosives. The problem is that profiling has all manner of human rights issues attached and requires highly trained, sophisticated (and, therefore, relatively expensive) security staff, but that surely is worth the money when you consider the folly of having to emergency-land a United Airlines jet in Boston, as happened this week, because a middle-aged woman developed claustrophobia in flight while carrying a jar of face cream that airport security had failed to pick up.

Although fortitude and stoicism have been displayed on a grand scale throughout this past week, there is mounting evidence that travellers are beginning to tire of the hassles that have become part of the travel experience since 9/11.

Travellers to America, particularly, feel besieged, and, while global air travel to the rest of the world has continued to rise since then, figures from the Civil Aviation Authority show that the number of Britons visiting America has fallen. Florida, which was once our most popular destination for family holidays, is doing particularly badly and is 20 per cent down on last year, while, this June, 46,000 fewer British holidaymakers flew to America than in the same month last year. The most common complaint - apart from the long queues - is that visitors are made to feel like criminals by heavy-handed immigration officials.

Next week, I am flying to New York and I am facing that trip with some trepidation. Not because I fear I shall be blown out of the skies, but because the already painful process of passing through British and American airports will most probably be even more painful.

Yesterday, US Homeland Security officials demanded that passenger information for all flights between Britain and America be provided before aircraft take off, which probably means even more delays, because it is common for passengers to be added to the manifest at the last minute, particularly if they are transferring from a connecting flight.

And, of course, once the aircraft has finally taken off, there is a chance that one of my fellow passengers may take a funny turn, start behaving erratically, and be perceived as a security threat. At which point, we'll probably have to divert to some God-forsaken airport in the middle of Canada, all be de-planed and be subjected to invasive body searches and so on and on and on. But at least we'll be safe.

Before this travel nightmare becomes a daily reality, the Government, BAA, the airlines and our security services need to get together and find a consistent, coherent security system that minimises inconvenience to both a now-vulnerable industry and the travelling public. Without one, we'll just have to stay at home.