Tuesday, July 18, 2006


TravelScream.com: "The Travelscream.com Story

Once upon a time, travel agents all over the world began their day by sifting through stacks of faxes and in-boxes filled with e-mail messages containing information about vacations their clients would never book. Much of this information ended up in trash cans � both physical and electronic � for lack of storage space or interest. And, of course, when an agent actually needed to access a package or travel deal for a client, they were hard pressed to find it again. By the end of the day, a collective �scream� was heard across the globe. That scream of frustration sounded very much like �AHHHH.�

Enough was enough; there just had to be a better way.

Along came travelscream.com. Unlike fax and e-mail blasts, travelscream.com is completely personalized. Each agent can create exactly the site they need, utilizing information provided by industry partners � including hotels, resorts, cruise lines, theme parks, airlines � to help them assist clients with travel ideas, itineraries and special offers. Now that collective scream is one of pure delight, and sounds much more like �HURRAY!� Travelscream.com... creating order from chaos.

What is travelscream.com?
Let�s start with what travelscream.com is not. Travelscream.com is not a traditional website. It is not an intrusive application that will result in more spam, unnecessary e-mail and blast faxes. "