Tuesday, November 15, 2005


TheMoodieReport.com: "Alpha's Glorious Britain stores reveal big spenders - 15/11/05
Source: �The Moodie Report
By Mary Jane Pittilla
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UK. Americans are obsessed with British history, Japanese visitors love British food and Canadian holiday-makers adore stocking up on Brit-themed clothing. That is according to new research into the shopping habits of international tourists visiting the UK, compiled by souvenir and gift retailer Glorious Britain, which has nine Alpha-operated stores.

Tourists from the US are the biggest consumers of British souvenirs, accounting for almost half of all the chain�s in-store sales � nearly four times as much as the next biggest fans, the Japanese, who make up around 12% of sales. Coming up close behind are Canadian visitors, closely followed by tourists from South Korea and Hong Kong.

The top ten spenders by nationality are as follows:

1. Americans
2. Japanese
3. Canadians
4. South Koreans
5. Hong Kong
6. Singaporeans
7. Malaysians
8. United Arab Emirates
9. Swedes
10. Thais

The type of souvenir tourists favour varies greatly from country to country, as Glorious Britain spokesperson Ben Deller explained: �Americans are fascinated by Britain�s long and chequered history and they tend to favour souvenirs which have a historical element. Kings and queens, knights and battles, castles and dungeons � it�s all far removed from the history of their own country and continues to hold a real attraction.�

The Japanese, on the other hand, are huge fans of British food � traditional English teas, shortbreads and jams are at the top of their shopping list.

Canadians prefer to wear their holiday mementos, with 16% sna"